A level of advanced 3D technology, combined with industry leading dental CAD technology to best serve you.

About This Service

Coral Dental and Denture is always at the bleeding edge of technologies in the field of dentistry. That is why we use the CBCT scanning technology to provide in-depth teeth rendering.

Usefulness of CBCT Scanning

Benefits included are:

  • Accurate Mouth Sizing and Scaling
  • Gum Issues
  • Detection of Serious Disease
  • Finding the Origin of Pain
  • Evaluation sinuses, nasal cavity, and nerve canal

Advantages of CBCT Scanning

Some advantages included are:

  • The highest levels of image quality and accuracy
  • The most comprehensive oral health information
  • A comfortable and quick experience
  • The lowest doses of radiation

With the usefulness and advantages of CBCT scanning, we at Coral Dental and Denture believe that it is the most useful method of utilizing X-Rays to create a proficient diagnostic in combination with other methods. We use this technology not only for all the above mentioned reasons, but to best provide exactly what you need for your dental situation.